1 person until the end of the project duration 

Reinforcement of Foster Care Law-Advocacy and Good Governance towards Child rights for Children in Alternative care in Bosnia and Herzegovina

SOS Children's Villages Bosnia and Herzegovina will provide Care professionals working with children and young people in alternative care (a wide range of care professionals such as social workers, youth workers, educators, child psychologists and child therapists), appropriate training, and to have the means to instill effective and meaningful change for children and young people in care and to empower them to participate in processes that impact their lives.

Finance Assistant will be supported by the SOS BIH National Chief Accountant in the country, to ensure accounting management and procurement comply with international standards - SOS International – Navision accounting and the donor standards. She/he reports to the Project Manager on regular basis.

The National Public Funding Adviser will provide support of the project team in quality implementation, monitoring, evaluation and reporting, ensuring compliance with donor guidelines; and National Programme Development Director, support project team programmatic leadership, networking and partner relationship management and the entire SOS-BIH portfolio.

General tasks of the Finance Assistant:

  • She/he is responsible for finance and budget implementation, finance management support and budget implementation monitoring and counseling to the proper authorities and collect information, and prepare payroll payments for project team-employees.
  • Suggest changes or improvements to increase accuracy, efficiency, and cost reductions.
  • Ensures financial reporting and process and prepare financial and business forms for the purpose of checking account balances, facilitating purchases in any project related activities, etc.
  • Help oversee and manage individual accounts, create, send, and follow up on invoices and review and adhere to department budgets.
  • Collect and enter data for various financial spreadsheets, review and audit financial statements and reports, ensure all calculations and data entries are correct.
  • Reconcile any discrepancies or errors identified by conversing with staff-project team-employees and/or clients.
  • Prepares, produces and submits the required financial report. Provides quality financial report and documentation send to SOS Czech Republic Financial Coordinator; Performs routine calculations to produce analyses and reports as requested by the Financial Coordinator and project manager.
  • Assist the financial director in creating financial reports on a regular basis; adhere to the SOS International financial policies and procedures including donor requirements and standards.
  • Provides administrative and logistic support to the project for all project activities-training courses, seminars and workshops; Coordinates arrangements for trainings – schedules trainers, locations, food, etc.
  • Assists with narrative reports if needed.

Qualifications and Competences:

Besides legal obligations, candidate is expected to fulfill general requirements:

  • A university degree in one of the following fields: economy, accounting;
  • At least 3 years of professional experience in budget planning, monitoring and reporting;
  • Knowledge of local laws, rules and legal obligations related to finances;
  • Administration work related skills and experience, Computer literacy- MS excel and accounting related software’s;
  • Fluency in local language and proficiency in English;
  • High communication skills; Reporting skills; Proactivity, takes initiative, team worker.

Oglas ostaje otvoren do 15. septembra 2019. g.

Prijave sa biografijom slati na sljedeću adresu ili e-mail: SOS-Kinderdorf International, Ahmeda Muradbegovića 1c, 71000 Sarajevo ili posao@sos-ds.ba

Moguće je koristiti prijavni formular sa stranice http://www.sos-ds.ba/ „Obrazac za otvorene prijave“ u sekciji „Ljudski resursi“.

Nepotpune prijave neće se razmatrati.

Kontaktirani će biti samo oni kandidati koji su ušli u uži izbor.

Napomena: Ne obavezujemo se vraćati pristigle prijave.


Pozicije posla

Finance Assistant (m/f)   1

  • Ekonomija i menadžment
  • Računovodstvo i revizija
  • Finansije
  • Fakultet